November 9 :: Florence, MA :: Bombyx Center for Arts & Equity :: Rewild release concert with music by Ben Richter, Catherine Lamb, and Lou Harrison :: [details & tickets]

November 22 :: Hudson, NY :: The Flow Chart Foundation :: Concert and Deep Listening Workshop :: [details & tickets]



music by Ben Richter

CD and download

Mountain Air


music by Pauline Oliveros, Marguerite Brown, and Teodora Stepančić

CD and download

We Who Walk Again


music by Sky Macklay, Pauline Oliveros, and Ben Richter

LP and download

Wonderful … serene, rippling waves … stirring, ominous surges of sound … both exhilarating and a bit scary … thrums, throbs, and glides with surging and ebbing density.” 

Peter Margasak, Bandcamp Daily

Very fine ensemble playing — excellent listening to one another … cloudy, mysterious and dark … Beckettian in its slow spread … a group to keep an eye on.” 

Brian Olewnick, Just Outside

Beautifully performed and recorded … keeping you in the present … a body-felt sound mass … a multifaceted texture that evokes the primeval.” 

Meg Wilhoite, Meg's New Music Blog

Prodigious … considerable dramatic heft … a thrilling listen … well-crafted and eloquent.” 

Christian Carey, Sequenza21

find us on Facebook / Instagram :: cover photo by Steven Gunther, REDCAT, March 6, 2020.